Wednesday, April 24, 2013

two more weeks until summer break... i can't wait. i miss spilling my commentary all over the blog :) i'm really hoping to get some new things created. every year i want to participate in the area craft fairs, but somehow all my time slips through my fingers and another year passes by craft fairless. this is again a goal for me this year and i am going to make every effort to get a plan for product and get started in june. we'll see how that goes.

anyway, i did finally make a shower curtain (after living here for eight months). better late than never, right? i also made a curtain for the bathroom. i really like them. i am sewing challenged. getting sewing classes is on my long list of things i want to do. but, i was able to stumble through making the curtain.

i also dragged out the dusty cake plate and made a new centerpiece for the kitchen table...

now it's time to study!

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